360 Evaluation |
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A web-based multirater (360 degree) feedback survey. This system collects feedback from others at work (boss, peers, direct reports, etc.) and provides insight into strengths and developmental needs in the areas of Thinking, Working, and Relating. A comprehensive report provides detailed suggestions for capitalizing on strengths and improving weaknesses including resources, references and on-the-job activities. View "ASSESS" 360 Internet Sample
Report Who is it for? This Survey can be used for anyone at work but is best suited to professionals, supervisors and managers, or others who have significant work responsibilities that require them to interact effectively with people at work. What does it measure? This Survey measures how others perceive or interpret your personality at work. That is, in contrast to the type of measurement made by the ASSESS personality assessment, respondents to your Assess360 are commenting on the behaviors they perceive as manifestations of your personality. How should it be used? This Survey should be used to provide constructive feedback for your personal development and growth at work. It is not appropriate for employment selection or placement decisions or for performance appraisal. It is best used as part of a one-on-one coaching program or as a component in small-group seminars focused on personal development and growth at work. In both cases, best results will be obtained when the effort includes goal setting and a written developmental action plan. How can these results be combined with my ASSESS Developmental Report? Assess360 was designed to complement the ASSESS personality assessment. Both cover the same or very similar dimensions, but ASSESS was designed to measure and interpret your work-related personality directly, while Assess360 was designed to measure the behavioral manifestations of that personality, as perceived by others who work closely with you. We recommend these two instruments be used together when possible.
The Feedback Process
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jcm@jcmconsulting.com. |